Mais uma prova da penetração que o fenómeno Guerra das Estrelas tem em diversas propriedades (nesta caso televisivas) influenciando-as de forma inequívoca. Numa entrevista dada pelos criadores da famosa série televisiva Lost, Damon Lindeloff e Carlton Cuse, à Entertainment Weekly, Lindelof estabeleceu uma comparação com o universo STAR WARS a propósito de um dos personagens mais misteriosos daquela série, Jacob, e o Imperador Palpatine:
LINDELOF: And more importantly, we meet Jacob — the elusive, unseen, presumed leader of the Others — for the first time. And this is a character who is every bit as significant to our universe as the Emperor was to the Star Wars universe — a character that you didn't get to meet until Return of the Jedi but was referred to all through the preceding films. Jacob is a guy who is going to have a very significant, ongoing sort of story value in our show.