sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2008

STAR WARS Force-Cast #120

Ora cá está ele, acabadinho de chegar e em diferido, o 1º Force-Cast de 2008 a que nos referíramos aqui! Como diz o Jason:
It's the first Force-Cast of 2008 and we're looking back on the year that was 2007. Listen in as our panel made up of Pete, Jimmy Mac, Dustin Roberts, Jay Shepard and I cover all of the major stories that made up one of the best years for Star Wars fans the world over. Plus your calls--LIVE. If it's Friday, it's time for the Force-Cast.
Para leitor de podcasts ou leitor/alimentador de feeds RSS, usar este link: Para download directo do ficheiro: Forcecast-011108.mp3 (duração: 01:52:50 - tamanho: 52.5 MB).