domingo, 3 de junho de 2007

CE 2007: Medalhões Exclusivos

Complementando o nosso post anterior, partilhamos convosco uma foto do Nick Macarty, membro dos fórums O expositor — concretamente, nestes dois casos, amostras do produto final mandados fabricar pelo Chris — onde se podem ver as faces e os versos das medalhas talvez possa ser adquirido durante a convenção (nada há de definido neste particular). Um colecionável invejável, sem dúvida.
Reproduzimos aqui a explicação dada pelo Chris quanto à disponibilidade dos medalhões e a forma de os obter:
The sets in the photo were the CE sample sets that I requested to be created in time to show off at C4. The frames are not included in what is available at the convention.
The only thing given out will be the medallions.The distribution will be the same as it was for C4. There are a certain number of Collecting panels (I think it was 26 panels at C4). At random panels, one medallion will be handed out. Since CE is 3 days that means 4 medallions per day will be handed out.
You will have to be in the room and in a seat to obtain a medallion. The medallions were generally handed out very late into the panel and it's done during the panel, not before or after. The room is closed off after it begins so that people cannot come in late.
The medallion giveaway is to reward attendance at the Collecting panels. The purpose is not to create an item for people to walk up and get for free. That's for something like the Hasbro coin. You have to work hard to try to obtain all 12 medallions. But they are worth it! And who can argue with a convention exclusive that's so high quality and FREE?
I think there are less Collecting panels at CE and the event is shorter so overall it should be easier to get these than the C4 set. However, the demand will likely be much bigger than it was at C4 (if that's possible) so it will be interesting to see how things go.
Remember, these are ONLY distributed through the Collecting Panels, not at other panels or presentations. As the time draws closer the panels will be announced so stay tuned.

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