O ator Philip Delancy tem desempenhado vários papéis em filmes e séries da BBC. Em Star Wars (episódio I) foi um piloto de caças da República de Naboo e co-piloto da Royal Starship.
SWCP: Fale-nos um pouco sobre a sua personagem em Star Wars.
P.D: Treinado pelo Corpo de Combatentes Espaciais, o Piloto de Naboo deve adquirir experiência voando numa nave de serviço antes de lhe ser permitido voar o N-1 Starfighter. As missões habituais são patrulhas de rotina, escolta de missões ou voos de desfile. A falta de combates no pacífico planeta Naboo faz com que os pilotos tenham que adquirir experiência interceptando grupos de piratas que vêm de fora da República ou durante as raras missões de patrulha em que se encontram desordeiros. Apenas alguns pilotos são selecionados para voar como pilotos no Starship Real e eu tive bastante sorte por ser um deles.
SWCP: É também instrutor e piloto de aviação. Porque decidiu então enveredar pela carreira de ator?
P.D: Tive um problema médico em 1981 que me impediu de continuar a voar. Pilotei vários tipos de aeronaves, com 1, 2, 3 e até 4 motores: movidos a pistões, turbo propulsores e jatos. Acumulei mais de 3 000 horas de voo, sendo 2 500 como comandante. Desde então, organizei voos para VIPS (Pessoas Muito Importantes), fui intérprete de francês e tradutor, programador de dados, vendedor de enciclopédias e gerente de serviços ao cliente. Sinto-me muito afortunado ao ter tido muitos empregos interessantes, e em particular a atuação. Desempenhar papéis de piloto é o melhor de ambos os mundos!
SWCP: Tem estado a escrever um livro desde 1981. Quando pensa terminá-lo?
P.D: Boa pergunta. Não há pressa - quero fazê-lo como deve ser. É na verdade um passatempo para quando não estou ocupado com a minha carreira de ator. Por enquanto, tive demasiadas outras coisas para fazer. Contudo, está sempre na minha mente e estou realmente com vontade de o terminar quando estiver disponível.
SWCP: Também faz trabalhos de dobragem. Qual o personagem que gostou mais de fazer nesta área?
P.D: Fui a voz dos personagens Tornado e Kade para um projeto de um diretor de filmes independente, chamado Laurie Calvert que conheci numa convenção de Star Wars. Ele passou 4 anos a criar “Os monstros do ID” na sua casa; foi a primeira vez que um filme CGI foi feito deste modo.Podem ver: http: // www.monstersmovie.com ! Trabalhei com o Laurie em alguns filmes e foi sempre um prazer, tanto profissionalmente como pessoalmente.
SWCP: Porque mudou o seu apelido de Appleton para Delancy?
P.D: Tenho dupla nacionalidade: britânica e francesa. A minha mãe é francesa e eu sou praticamente um bilingue. Portanto, pensei que deveria adicionar este apelido para conseguir mais trabalho. “Appleton” soa muito a inglês, portanto eu quis um nome que resultasse em ambas as línguas. Foi difícil encontrar um, portanto acabei por usar um nome “afrancesado” que é baseado numa rua em Londres. Consegui certamente mais trabalhos por causa dele.
SWCP: Que mensagem gostaria de enviar aos fãs de Star Wars?
P.D: Sinto-me enormemente privilegiado ter sido parte de, o que era até então, o melhor filme de todos os tempos. Ser selecionado como um Piloto de Naboo, com os meus antecedentes, foi especial, tal como visitar o guarda-roupa, maquilhagem, ver os cenários, trabalhar com tela verde e conhecer tantos profissionais talentosos, incluindo naturalmente George Lucas. Respeito-o muito assim como a sua equipa por terem feito Star Wars acontecerem, tanto do ponto de vista criativo como técnico. Sinto-me agradado que tenham tanto interesse nesta grande história de família que deu tanto prazer a muitas pessoas. Agradeço a todos vós pelo vosso apoio.
The actor Philip Delancy, has played various roles in movies and BBC series. In Star Wars (episode I) he was a Naboo fighter pilot and a co-pilot of the Royal Starship.
SWCP: Tell us a bit more about your character in Star Wars.
P.D: Trained by the Space Fighter Corps, The Naboo Pilot must gain experience flying utility aircraft before being allowed to fly the N-1 Starfighter. Usual missions are routine patrols, escort duties or parade flights. Lack of combat on peaceful Naboo means pilots have to gain experience tackling off-planet Republic pirate fighter groups or on the rare patrol missions that encounter troublemakers. A very few pilots are selected to fly as pilots on the Royal Starship and I was lucky enough to do so.
SWCP: You are a flying instructor and airline pilot. Why have you decided to go into an acting career?
P.D: I had a medical issue in 1981 which stopped me flying. I flew 1, 2, 3 and 4 engined aircraft: piston-engined, turboprops and jets. I accumulated over 3,000 flying hours, with 2,500 in command. Since then, I have been a VIP flights handling agent, French interpreter and translator, data inputter, encyclopedia salesman and customer service manager. I feel very fortunate to have done many interesting jobs, particularly acting. Acting as a pilot is the best of both worlds!
SWCP: You’ve been writing a book since 1981.When do you thinking of ending it?
P.D: Good question. There’s no rush - I want to get it right. It’s really a hobby for when I am not so busy with my acting career. So far, I’ve had too many other things to do. However, it’s always at the back of my mind and I’m looking forward to getting down to it when I’m ready.
SWCP: You also do voice-over works. Who is your favorite character in this area?
P.D: I voiced the characters Tornado and Kade for an independent filmmaker called Laurie Calver who I met at a Star Wars convention. He spent 4 years creating “Monsters of the ID” at his home, the first time a feature-length CGI film had been made that way. See: http://www.monstersmovie.com/index.htm. I’ve worked with Laurie on a few films and it’s always been a pleasure to do so, both professionally and personally.
SWCP: Why did you change your surname from Appleton to Delancy?
P.D: I have dual British and French nationalities, my mother is French and I’m pretty much bilingual. So I thought I should use this more to get work. “Appleton” sounds very English, so I wanted a name which works in both languages. It was hard to find one, so I ended up with a French sounding name which is based on a street in London. I’ve certainly got work because of it.
SWCP: Would you like to leave a message for the fans of Star Wars?
P.D: I feel enormously privileged to have been a part of, what was then, the biggest film of all time. Being selected as a Naboo Pilot, with my background, was special, as was visiting wardrobe, make-up, seeing the sets, working with green screen and meeting so many talented professionals, including of course George Lucas. I respect him and his team for making Star Wars happen from both a creative and technical standpoint. I am pleased that you have such an interest in a great family story that’s given so much pleasure to so many people. Thanks to you all for your support.
SWCP: Tell us a bit more about your character in Star Wars.
P.D: Trained by the Space Fighter Corps, The Naboo Pilot must gain experience flying utility aircraft before being allowed to fly the N-1 Starfighter. Usual missions are routine patrols, escort duties or parade flights. Lack of combat on peaceful Naboo means pilots have to gain experience tackling off-planet Republic pirate fighter groups or on the rare patrol missions that encounter troublemakers. A very few pilots are selected to fly as pilots on the Royal Starship and I was lucky enough to do so.
SWCP: You are a flying instructor and airline pilot. Why have you decided to go into an acting career?
P.D: I had a medical issue in 1981 which stopped me flying. I flew 1, 2, 3 and 4 engined aircraft: piston-engined, turboprops and jets. I accumulated over 3,000 flying hours, with 2,500 in command. Since then, I have been a VIP flights handling agent, French interpreter and translator, data inputter, encyclopedia salesman and customer service manager. I feel very fortunate to have done many interesting jobs, particularly acting. Acting as a pilot is the best of both worlds!
SWCP: You’ve been writing a book since 1981.When do you thinking of ending it?
P.D: Good question. There’s no rush - I want to get it right. It’s really a hobby for when I am not so busy with my acting career. So far, I’ve had too many other things to do. However, it’s always at the back of my mind and I’m looking forward to getting down to it when I’m ready.
SWCP: You also do voice-over works. Who is your favorite character in this area?
P.D: I voiced the characters Tornado and Kade for an independent filmmaker called Laurie Calver who I met at a Star Wars convention. He spent 4 years creating “Monsters of the ID” at his home, the first time a feature-length CGI film had been made that way. See: http://www.monstersmovie.com/index.htm. I’ve worked with Laurie on a few films and it’s always been a pleasure to do so, both professionally and personally.
SWCP: Why did you change your surname from Appleton to Delancy?
P.D: I have dual British and French nationalities, my mother is French and I’m pretty much bilingual. So I thought I should use this more to get work. “Appleton” sounds very English, so I wanted a name which works in both languages. It was hard to find one, so I ended up with a French sounding name which is based on a street in London. I’ve certainly got work because of it.
SWCP: Would you like to leave a message for the fans of Star Wars?
P.D: I feel enormously privileged to have been a part of, what was then, the biggest film of all time. Being selected as a Naboo Pilot, with my background, was special, as was visiting wardrobe, make-up, seeing the sets, working with green screen and meeting so many talented professionals, including of course George Lucas. I respect him and his team for making Star Wars happen from both a creative and technical standpoint. I am pleased that you have such an interest in a great family story that’s given so much pleasure to so many people. Thanks to you all for your support.
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