Barbara Fadden é uma atriz britânica que
interpretou várias criaturas em filmes e programas de televisão, como: Doctor
Who, Willow, Solo: Uma História de Star Wars, Star Wars: Episódio VIII - Os
Últimos Jedi e Star Wars: Episódio VII - O Despertar da Força.
SWCP: Fale-nos um pouco sobre o seu trabalho em
Star Wars.
SWCP: Já era fã de Star Wars antes de trabalhar
nesta franquia? Tem algum personagem favorito?
B.F: Sempre gostei muito da trilogia
original. O senso de aventura e camaradagem que eles capturaram sempre me
atraiu. Eram ótimas histórias com um sentimento fantástico. Eles resistiram ao
teste do tempo e são filmes que você sempre pode revisitar. Tem sido uma honra
e um prazer ser uma pequena parte do mundo de Star Wars. Em termos de um
personagem favorito, essa é uma pergunta muito difícil... adoro o malandro Han
Solo. Havia um equilíbrio brilhante no seu personagem entre um estranho com um
ego e alguém com o senso de fazer a coisa certa e lutar pelo que é certo e bom.
Se a pergunta é sobre qual dos meus personagens é o meu favorito, então isso é
ainda mais difícil, pois eu amo aspetos de todos eles. Tenho um fraquinho pela
'Faddaff Davenspon', pois ela apenas fazia as pessoas sorrirem. Isso foi um
grande envolvimento tendo de usar uma cabeça bastante grande e equipamento, mas
muito divertido de interpretar. Ela também teve mais um momento que não chegou
à edição final, mas é o que acontece nos filmes.
Quais são as maiores dificuldades que sente quando interpreta criaturas?
B.F: Existem dificuldades ao interpretar
criaturas e elas vêm em muitas formas diferentes... O mais óbvio pode ser uma
total falta de visão e audição. Quando você usa uma cabeça animatrónica que tem
muitos servidores dentro, há tantos lugares que eles podem estar colocados, o
que pode significar que você tem uma total falta de visão. Quanto mais
servidores, mais ruído na cabeça também. Os fabricantes sempre fazem um
trabalho INCRÍVEL para deixá-lo o mais confortável possível e você terá um
marionetista a direcioná-lo por meio de comunicações ao seu ouvido. Esta é uma
parceria adorável e eles tornam-se nos seus olhos e ouvidos, além de manipular
o rosto e mantê-lo seguro. O próximo passo é criar a fisicalidade do
SWCP: Em que projetos está atualmente a
B.F: Infelizmente, não tenho permissão para
discutir nenhum projeto em que estou a trabalhar atualmente devido a acordos de
confidencialidade .Desculpe!!
SWCP: Que mensagem gostaria de enviar aos fãs de
Star Wars?
Que a Força continue trazendo positividade e luz
para as nossas vidas.
Barbara Fadden is a British actress and creature performer who portrayed
multiple characters in several movies and Television shows such as: Doctor Who, Willow, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
and Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens.
SWCP: Tell us about your work on Star Wars.
B.F: I have been working on Star Wars since the Force Awakens. I have
been lucky enough to have played many different creatures throughout the films
and TV series and have loved them all. From male to female, young to old, very
tall to very round. From sinister to happy it’s been a great pleasure to find
characters for all these different species.
SWCP: Were you already a Star Wars fan before working on this franchise?
Do you have a favorite character?
B.F: I have always really liked the original Trilogy. The sense of
adventure and comradery that they captured always appealed to me. They were
great stories with a fantastic feeling. They have stood the test of time and
are films you can always revisit. It’s been an honor and pleasure to be a small
part in the Star Wars world. In terms of a favorite character that’s a really
difficult question… I do love the roguish Han Solo. There was a brilliant
balance in his character between an outsider with an ego to someone with a
sense of doing the right thing and fighting for what’s right and good. If the question
is about which of my characters is my favorite, then that’s even harder as I
love aspects of all of them. I have a soft spot for ‘Faddaff Davenspon’ as she
just made people smile. That was quite a big and involved rig and head but so
much fun to inhabit. She also had more of a moment that didn’t make it to the
final edit but that’s what happens in film.
SWCP: What are the biggest difficulties you feel when playing creatures?
B.F: There are difficulties when playing creatures and they come in many different forms… The most obvious can be a total lack of vision and hearing. When you wear an animatronic head that has lots of servers inside there are only so many places that they can go so that might mean you have a total lack of vison. The more servers the more noise in the head too. The makers always do an AMAZING job to make you as comfortable as possible and you will have a puppeteer directing you through comms in your ear. This is a lovely partnership and they become your eyes and ears, as well as puppeteering the face and keeping you safe.
The next step is creating the physicality of the character. This can also be influenced by the head you are wearing and how much movement you can get. The costume or suit you are wearing might also influence your movement but the fun is finding where you can push the character with these external factors. There is usually a significant amount of heat that builds up when wearing a head and or suit so you are usually contending with heat and sweat during a shoot. Sometimes there is dialogue involved to inform your choices but often there is no dialogue which means your physicality is your characters voice. Depending on the scene and your part in it there is always a balance to try and give sincerity to your character but without becoming caricature. This is a question that you could keep talking about…ha!ha! but I find it really fun to overcome the challenges that might appear and give authenticity to any part you may get. It’s a real joy and the discomfort and restrictions you may encounter are all part of the job of bringing your character to life.
SWCP: In which projects are you currently working on?
B.F: Unfortunately, I am not allowed to discuss any projects I am
currently working on due to confidentiality agreements… Sorry!!
SWCP: What message would you like to send for Star Wars fans?
B.F: To all the Star Wars Fans I would love to say: I hope you continue
to enjoy the fabulous Star Wars universe and all the adventures in the past,
present and in the future. I am honored to be part of this community in a small
way and am so happy that it gives people so much joy. I feel like the fans are
a massive part of the Star Wars journey, a journey that I am lucky enough to be
on with them.
May the Force keep bringing positivist and light into our lives.
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