domingo, 23 de junho de 2024

Entrevistas SWCP: Elizabeth Saunders


Elizabeth Saunders é uma atriz Britânica-Canadiana altamente versátil, ela é conhecida pelo seus trabalhos em Clarice (2021), Surrealestate (2021), Girl (2020), Mary Kills People (2020), When Hope Calls (2019), IT (2017), Alias Grace (2017), Orphan Black (2013), Slings and Arrows (2005), The Boondock Saints (1999), From, entre outros. Ela também é a voz de vários personagens de séries animadas e videojogos. 

SWCP: Entre tantos personagens que já interpretou,qual deles lhe deu mais diversão em trabalhar? 

E.S: Donna da série FROM, foi sem dúvida, o mais divertido de trabalhar em termos do meu trabalho na câmera. Tive vários papéis que foram memoráveis e muito divertidos, mas Donna é especial para mim.Adoro um bom desafio e ela deu-me isso. Também tenho vários papéis teatrais memoráveis que me deram grande alegria por causa dos personagens interessantes que pude encarnar. 

SWCP: Na série From,vive numa zona isolada do mundo com poucos recursos materiais.Se na sua vida real lhe acontecesse a mesma coisa,qual o objeto que gostaria mais de levar consigo? 

E.S: Oh uma pergunta complicada. Se eu estiver sendo puramente prática, eu traria uma faca. Se estiver sendo meio prática, mas também consciente de ter algo que me traga alegria, eu traria uma máquina de costura e suprimentos ou algo para ouvir a minha música favorita.

SWCP: Aliás, você sabe quando a 3ª temporada de From poderá ser lançada? 

E.S: Não sei a data exata, mas sei que em alguns mercados será lançada no outono deste ano.

SWCP: É também é a voz de vários personagens de séries animadas e videojogos. é mais difícil trabalhar nessa área do que em filmes ou séries live-action? 

E.S: Eu não diria que o trabalho de ator de voz seja mais difícil. Eu sempre gosto, às vezes a voz do personagem vem prontamente, outras vezes demora um pouco para realmente encontrá-la. Além disso, como a aparência física de um não desempenhar nenhum papel físico do personagem, você é livre para atuar, no entanto, você precisa criar a voz do personagem. Você pode estar criando as formas e rostos mais ridículos e não precisa de se preocupar, apenas a voz e os sons que você faz impactam a história. Além de precisar das habilidades vocais para atender aos aspectos vocais, narrativos e de gravação essenciais do trabalho de voz, é puro jogo da perspectiva do ator. É uma pressão menor na minha experiência do que no trabalho de câmera e, no entanto, certamente uma habilidade que precisa ser aperfeiçoada. É uma alegria fazer isso.Podia passar horas na cabine de gravação tal como poderia igualmente passar horas no set ou no palco, mas adoro poder misturá-los.

SWCP: Em que projetos está atualmente a trabalhar? 

E.S: Tenho alguns projetos curtos que estou prestes a trabalhar, mas por enquanto estou a gostar mais de ser uma nova avó e estou absorvendo essa parte linda da minha vida.  Acabei de filmar a 3ª temporada de FROM e tenho alguns projetos que acabaram de ser ou estão prestes a ser lançados: O comovente e instigante The Shrouds, de David Cronenberg, estrelado por Vincent Cassel, Diane Kruger, Guy Pearce e Sandrine Holt, que acaba de estrear em Cannes, que será lançado em setembro deste ano. Também estou no filme futurista 40 Acres, do diretor e roteirista RT Thorne, estrelado por Danielle Deadwyler, que será lançado a qualquer momento . Recentemente lançada é uma websérie de comédia chamada Big Oil Alliance que satiricamente assume as Big Oil Corporations. É criado por um grupo chamado Artists For Real Climate Action (ARCA) e estou extremamente feliz por ter feito parte dele:

SWCP: Que mensagem gostaria de enviar aos seus fãs?  

E.S: Um enorme obrigado a todos os nossos membros Fromily!A vossa recepção generosa para a série e para a Donna tem sido incrível e tão calorosa.Gostei de todos os vossos posts e mensagens maravilhosas. Sinto o amor e mando um pouco de volta para vocês, junto com desejos de que  vivam na luz e sempre encontrem o vosso  caminho para sair dos monstros. Espero que todos vocês vejam a 3ª temporada. Acho que vai ser uma loucura. 

Felicidades a todos!! 




Elizabeth Saunders is a highly versatile British-Canadian actress, she is known for her work on Clarice (2021), Surrealestate (2021), Girl (2020), Mary Kills People (2020) When Hope Calls (2019) IT (2017), Alias Grace ( 2017), Orphan Black (2013), Slings and Arrows (2005), The Boondock Saints (1999) ,From, among others. She also voiced several characters from animated series and videogames.  

SWCP: Among so many characters you've played, which one gave you the most fun to work with? 

E.S: Donna on FROM has undoubtedly been the most fun to work on in terms of my on-Camera work. I have had several roles that have been memorable and a lot of fun, but Donna is special to me. I love a good challenge and she gives me one. I also have several memorable theatrical roles that have given me great joy because of the interesting characters I got to embody.

SWCP: In the From series, you live in an isolated part of the world with few material resources. If the same thing happened to you in your real life, what object would you most like to take with you? 

E.S: Ooh a tricky question. If I’m being purely practical, I would bring a knife. If I’m being sort of practical but also being mindful of having something that brings me joy, I would bring a sewing machine and supplies or something to listen to my favorite music with.

SWCP: By the way, do you know when From season 3 could be released? 

E.S: I don’t know the precise date, but I do know that in some markets it will be released in the fall of this year.

SWCP: You are also the voice of several characters from animated series and video games. Is it harder to work in this area than in live-action movies or series? 

E.S: I wouldn’t say find voice work harder. I always enjoy it, Sometimes the voice of the character comes readily, other times it takes a while to really find it. Also, because One’s physical appearance plays no part in the character you are free to play however you need to create the character’s voice. You could be creating the most ridiculous shapes and faces and not have to worry, only the voice and sounds you make impact the story. Other than needing the vocal skills to meet the essential vocal, storytelling, and recording aspects of voicework, it’s pure play from the perspective of actor. It’s lower pressure in my experience than on camera work and yet certainly a skill that needs honing. It’s a joy to do. I could spend hours in recording booth. I could equally spend hours on set or on stage, but I love that I get to mix them up.

SWCP: What projects are you currently working on? 

E.S: I have some upcoming short projects I am about to work on, but for now I am most enjoying being a new Grandmother and am soaking that beautiful part of my life up.  I have just finished shooting Season 3 of FROM and have a few projects that have either just been, or are about to be, released: David Cronenberg’s moving and thought provoking The Shrouds, starring Vincent Cassel, Diane Kruger, Guy Pearce and Sandrine Holt, which just premiered at Cannes, that will be released in September this year. I am also in director/writer RT Thorne’s futuristic film 40 Acres starring Danielle Deadwyler which will be released sometime in the future. Recently released is a Comedy Web series called Big Oil Alliance which satirically takes on the Big Oil Corporations. It’s Created by a group called Artists For Real Climate action (ARCA) and I am extremely happy I got to be a part of it.

SWCP: What message would you like to send to your fans? 

E.S: A huge thank you to all our Fromily members! Your generous reception to FROM and to Donna has been amazing and so heartwarming. I’ve enjoyed all your wonderful posts and messages. I feel the love and I send some right back at you, along with wishes that you will live in the light and always find your way out from the monsters. I hope you all dig Season 3. I think it’s gonna be crazy. 

Cheers all!! 




Elizabeth Saunders is a highly versatile British-Canadian actress, she is known for her work on Clarice (2021), Surrealestate (2021), Girl (2020), Mary Kills People (2020) When Hope Calls (2019) IT (2017), Alias Grace ( 2017), Orphan Black (2013), Slings and Arrows (2005), The Boondock Saints (1999) ,From, among others. She also voiced several characters from animated series and videogames.  

SWCP: Among so many characters you've played, which one gave you the most fun to work with? 

E.S: Donna on FROM has undoubtedly been the most fun to work on in terms of my on-Camera work. I have had several roles that have been memorable and a lot of fun, but Donna is special to me. I love a good challenge and she gives me one. I also have several memorable theatrical roles that have given me great joy because of the interesting characters I got to embody.

SWCP: In the From series, you live in an isolated part of the world with few material resources. If the same thing happened to you in your real life, what object would you most like to take with you? 

E.S: Ooh a tricky question. If I’m being purely practical, I would bring a knife. If I’m being sort of practical but also being mindful of having something that brings me joy, I would bring a sewing machine and supplies or something to listen to my favorite music with.

SWCP: By the way, do you know when From season 3 could be released? 

E.S: I don’t know the precise date, but I do know that in some markets it will be released in the fall of this year.

SWCP: You are also the voice of several characters from animated series and video games. Is it harder to work in this area than in live-action movies or series? 

E.S: I wouldn’t say find voice work harder. I always enjoy it, Sometimes the voice of the character comes readily, other times it takes a while to really find it. Also, because One’s physical appearance plays no part in the character you are free to play however you need to create the character’s voice. You could be creating the most ridiculous shapes and faces and not have to worry, only the voice and sounds you make impact the story. Other than needing the vocal skills to meet the essential vocal, storytelling, and recording aspects of voicework, it’s pure play from the perspective of actor. It’s lower pressure in my experience than on camera work and yet certainly a skill that needs honing. It’s a joy to do. I could spend hours in recording booth. I could equally spend hours on set or on stage, but I love that I get to mix them up.

SWCP: What projects are you currently working on? 

E.S: I have some upcoming short projects I am about to work on, but for now I am most enjoying being a new Grandmother and am soaking that beautiful part of my life up.  I have just finished shooting Season 3 of FROM and have a few projects that have either just been, or are about to be, released: David Cronenberg’s moving and thought provoking The Shrouds, starring Vincent Cassel, Diane Kruger, Guy Pearce and Sandrine Holt, which just premiered at Cannes, that will be released in September this year. I am also in director/writer RT Thorne’s futuristic film 40 Acres starring Danielle Deadwyler which will be released sometime in the future. Recently released is a Comedy Web series called Big Oil Alliance which satirically takes on the Big Oil Corporations. It’s Created by a group called Artists For Real Climate action (ARCA) and I am extremely happy I got to be a part of it.

SWCP: What message would you like to send to your fans? 

E.S: A huge thank you to all our Fromily members! Your generous reception to FROM and to Donna has been amazing and so heartwarming. I’ve enjoyed all your wonderful posts and messages. I feel the love and I send some right back at you, along with wishes that you will live in the light and always find your way out from the monsters. I hope you all dig Season 3. I think it’s gonna be crazy. 

Cheers all!! 



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